The Facebook platform provides many tools to access information, but you are responsible for providing your own business logic through some other language. Facebook facilitates this through “official” client libraries for both PHP and Java that provide convenient methods to access the Facebook application. To help the rest of the programmers who want to develop their own Facebook application, client libraries are available for the following languages.

  1. ActionScript
  2. ASP.NET
  3. ASP (VBScript)
  4. ColdFusion
  5. C++
  6. C#
  7. D
  8. Emacs Lisp
  9. Lisp
  10. Perl
  11. PHP (4 and 5)
  12. Python
  13. Ruby
  14. VB .NET
  15. Windows Mobile

This complement of languages should take care of just about most developers today. And although these client libraries are not “officially” supported by Facebook (meaning they won’t answer your questions about using them), they are posted by the company with at least some tacit approval of being the “officially unofficial” client libraries.