Here’s a list to make sure you know what’s available to you in the different tables. (OK, these aren’t really tables; more likely these are views of specific data, but for simplicity’s sake, we’ll just call them tables.)

  • users(uid, first_name, last_name, name*, pic_small, pic_big, pic_square, pic, affiliations, profile_update_time, timezone, religion, birthday, sex, hometown_location, meeting_sex, meeting_for, relationship_status, significant_other_id, political, current_location, activities, interests, is_app_user, music, tv, movies, books, quotes, about_me, hs_info, education_history, work_history, notes_count, wall_count, status, has_added_app)
  • friend(uid1, uid2)
  • group(gid, name, nid, pic_small, pic_big, pic, description, group_type, group_subtype, recent_news, creator, update_time, office, website, venue)
  • group_member(uid, gid, positions)
  • event(eid, name, tagline, nid, pic_small, pic_big, pic, host, description, event_type, event_subtype, start_time, end_time, creator, update_time, location, venue)
  • event_member(uid, eid, rsvp_status)
  • photo(pid, aid, owner, src_small, src_big, src, link, caption, created)
  • album(aid, cover_pid, owner, name, created, modified, description, location, size)
  • photo_tag(pid, subject, xcoord, ycoord)