You might want to add the ability for your users to do something along the lines of your wall. There is functionality for this with the following:
- <fb:wall> renders a wall-like section in your application that has <fb:wallpost> elements from your application users.
- <fb:wallpost> is the message for the wall post that can contain an <fb:wallpost-action> element.
- <fb:wallpost-action> adds a link at the bottom of the wall post content. Even if you put it at the beginning of the <fb:wallpost> element, the display will still render at the bottom of that particular post.
Walls are pretty easy to implement, assuming you have some type of persistence mechanism (such as an RDBMS). Assuming you do have an RDBMS, you would simply make a new table with three tuples (columns) to hold the UID (bigint), the actual post (text), and a time stamp (for indexing). Additionally, you could add a primary key field, though the time stamp should suffice for this. Now, all you need to do is loop over these results to provide them in the <fb:wallpost> tags, and all this should be wrapped in <fb:wall>. The only hard part is deciding how many posts you want to display on a page.
Thanks for sharing this post..
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